Valentine’s Day Thoughts 

I recently realized that this year is the first time I’ve been single on Valentine’s Day in about 14 or 15 years.
In fairness, I’ve spent the last ten Valentine’s Day celebrations with the same person, so it’s not like each year has brought a fresh love interest to the table just in time for the “momentous day of love” celebrated so extravagantly by many couples. But for some reason, this year, fresh out of a ten year relationship (and seven year marriage) I find myself more excited about this day on the February calendar than I’ve ever been. I will not be spending it or celebrating it with anyone. Nobody will be buying me flowers or chocolates or taking me out to dinner. Why am I so excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year as a solo human??
After some reflection, I’ve come to a conclusion - my heart is full.
This doesn’t mean my heart isn’t carrying any hurt or loneliness or disappointment or sadness… what it means is my heart is MOSTLY full of LOVE. All different types of love. The love of my family, my daughter, my friends, people who care about me, supporters of my music… the list goes on. What’s also filling my heart is the overwhelming love I feel for others. People I know and even people don’t know very well. In some of the most challenging times of this past year, I’ve been lifted up by others. Romantic love is so important to me, but who knew my heart could be so full with all of these other types of love I’ve received in such abundance. What a true gift.
So this year - on Valentine’s Day - I celebrate.
I celebrate a heart full of love.
One that gives love and receives love on so many levels.
If you needed a little extra love today, I hope you are feeling some by reading this.
Where’s the love?? Why, it’s right here, baby!


MANAGER – Gord Hunter -

Canadian, UK & European Booking:

USA Agent/Booking: Black Oak Artists / Rae Jean Erickson -